Why Watch our Conflict Management?

Let’s face it, conflict is inevitable. Whether it’s a heated debate over who left the office fridge open or a more serious workplace disagreement, conflict happens. The question isn’t whether you’ll face conflict — it’s whether you’ll be ready for…

Empowering Psychological Safety: Essential Leadership Skills

 Empowering Psychological Safety: Essential Leadership Skills In today’s fast-paced work environment, fostering psychological safety within teams is crucial for driving engagement, innovation, and high performance. When team members feel safe to express their thoughts and concerns without fear of reprisal,…

How Scrum is related to Project Management

Scrum and Project Management: Understanding Roles, Artifacts, and Events Scrum, a popular framework in agile project management, has become a cornerstone for teams striving to deliver complex projects efficiently and effectively. Originally designed for software development, Scrum’s principles can be…

Why is Influencing important

A review of the last 20 years studying the greatest influencers in the world; Gandhi, Christ, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Suu Kyi, Benazir, Bhutto, Margaret Thatcher, Rosa Parks, John Maxwell, M. Scot Peck, Jack Welch and many others –  shows…